Products and Services

Facilities Planning Guide (P244E) While not all technology education laboratories will look exactly the same, there are certain...
Member Price: $18
Non-Member Price: $23
The Connection to the 21st Century Workforce (P246E) Building a competitive workforce for the 21st Century requires the careful alignment of K-12 and...
Member Price: $15
Non-Member Price: $17
The Overlooked STEM Imperatives (P240E) As the STEM education movement gains momentum, our leaders cannot continue with the mentality that...
Member Price: $13
Non-Member Price: $15
STEM Showcase Table rental fee for the ITEEA STEM Showcase.
Price: $25
2025 TEECA Affiliation and Competition Fee Any University or College that wishes to participate in any TEECA competitive events or TEECA...
Price: $100