ITEEA Conferences

ITEEA Annual Conference

An unparalleled professional learning opportunity for technology, engineering, and STEM educators featuring dozens of special interest sessions, ITEEA's renowned STEM Showcase, and exciting social and networking events!

2025 Annual Conference

Date: April 2-5, 2025
Location: St. Louis, MO

Interested in Exhibiting or Sponsoring? Learn More Here.

Save the Date for Future Annual Conferences:

ITEEA 2026 Conference

Date: March 25-28, 2026
Location: Virginia Beach, VA

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ITEEA Virtual Conference

This inclusive and accessible online event aims to unite educators from diverse geographies, facilitating meaningful connections and knowledge exchange.

Conference Proceedings

ITEEA facilitates the publication of Conference Proceedings to advance research and scholarship in technology and engineering education. Further, ITEEA partners with related, research-focused organizations, such as those listed below, to publish content that is relevant to international audiences.

International Conference on Technology Education (ICTE) is a global partnership of several technology, design, and STEM-education associations to advance knowledge sharing in technology education. Many are located in the Pacific Rim, in addition to ITEEA in the United States.

Past Conferences

Memphis, TN | March 6-9
Minneapolis, MN | April 12-15
Orlando, FL | March 9-12
Virtual | March 22-27
Baltimore | March 11-14
Kansas City | March 27-30