BUZZ Help Center

The EbD-BUZZ Help Center page is designed specifically for EbD-Network Schools with signed agreements in place (you must have a login to EbD-BUZZ to proceed). If you would like to sign on as an EbD-Network School and receive online access to the EbD curriculum 24-7, pre/posttests, and more - contact the STEM Center for Teaching and Learning at

Q: How can I get access to EbD-BUZZ curriculum for teachers at my school? What are the fees?
A: The EbD-BUZZ version (also known as the MediaRichEdition or MRe) is available on a yearly access basis and is delivered via our learning management system, EbD-BUZZ. The EbD-BUZZ version of each course provides real-time online access to all course updates and additional interactive media, as well as the online pre-and post-assessments. Teachers using EbD-BUZZ are required to administer these online assessments provided in each course. You can gain preview access to any course by completing this form (note: you must first create a free ITEEA account in order to fill out the preview access form). If you would like to purchase full access to the online content and assessments with the EbD-BUZZ version, please visit your state page for more information. 
Q: What is the difference between the Standard Edition (SE version) and the EbD-BUZZ version of courses? 
A: The Standard Editions of our courses are static PDF files that are available for ITEEA Consortium States. This content includes a downloadable version of the most recent revision of each course. The Standard Editions do not include interactive quizzes or pre- and post-assessments.
Q: Where can I see descriptions of all the available EbD courses? 
A: Click here to see an overview of all the EbD courses that are currently available. 
Q: How do I group my students by class period, after they have been enrolled in my course copy? 
A: View this tutorial for step-by-step instructions on how to set up classes and groups in EbD-BUZZ. 
Q: How do I change my password in EbD-BUZZ?
A: When signed in to your account, click your name/avatar in the top right corner and select "Change Password"
Q: How do I reset student passwords in EbD-BUZZ? 
A: Only teachers with Lead EbD Teacher permissions in BUZZ can reset student passwords by following these steps:
  1. Open the Admin app.
  2. Select the Users tool from the main menu.
  3. Find the User whose password you want to change and select their User ID.
  4. Select “Change Password” from the menu along the top. 

Q: How do I add or remove an EbD Teacher or request course access changes at my school? 

A: If your school already has a Network Agreement in place, please email a spreadsheet to In your email, please include the following fields for each teacher:

  1. Teacher’s first name
  2. Teacher’s last name
  3. Teacher’s school email address
  4. Course(s) needed
  5. State
  6. District
  7. School

Be sure to include your name, email, and phone number in your email message. 

Q: How do I add students to my class and/or administer pre and post assessments? 

A: Please refer to this guide.

Q: Why can’t I log in to my account in EbD-BUZZ? 
A: If you are actively enrolled in an EbD-BUZZ course, you should have received an e-mail from with the subject line "EbD-BUZZ Course Access FYxx". If you have not received this e-mail or need another sent, please reach out to
Q: Why aren’t my courses showing up in EbD-BUZZ? 
A: EbD Teachers’ course copies automatically renew for the following year only if you administered both the pre- and post-assessments for each course, which are required by your school's Network Agreement. If you are missing a course in your EbD-BUZZ dashboard, please reach out to
Q: How do I access the free EbD curriculum in my consortium state?  
A: That's easy! simply navigate to your STEM by State page to request access! 
Q: How do I view all teachers’ EbD courses in my district or at my school? 
A: Click on the menu icon (the three white horizontal lines at the top left of your screen) beside the name of your district to view your courses. Click on the domain ID of a course to open it, click on the menu icon (the three white horizontal lines at the top left of your screen) and click on Activities to view and navigate the curriculum. 
Q: How do I view student test data for my school in EbD-BUZZ? 
  1. Log in to EbD-BUZZ as an Administrator
  2. Landing page is a list of your schools.
  3. Choose the school for which you wish to access the assessments.
  4. Choose “Courses” from the main menu. The icon looks like a book.
  5. Choose the name of the course by selecting the Course ID.
  6. The teacher’s name is at the top of the generated list.
  7. Choose “Performance” from the menu. The icon looks like a speedometer.
  8. The landing page defaults to “Gradebook” and lists student names and their scores on the pre and posttests. If you want to look at individual student data then, click on the student name.
  9. You can also look at “Mastery” and “Unit Summary” along the same time as “Gradebook.”