Membership Information
Select your preferred member type below to join.
Professional-Joint Member
U.S. and International; $110 for 1 year. Includes dual ITEEA membership along with your state's affiliate organization
ONLY AVAILABLE in Connecticut (CTEEA), Kentucky (KETEA), Minnesota (MTEEA), New York (NYSTEEA), Ohio (OTEEA), Rhode Island (RISTE) and Virginia (VTEEA).
Advocate Member
NON-teaching professional; U.S. and International; $40 for 1 year.
Student Member
CURRENT undergraduate or graduate student; U.S. and International; $40 for 1 year.
Elementary School Group Membership
Includes entire school faculty; U.S. and International; $260 for 1 year.
Elementary-Joint School Group Membership
Includes entire school faculty; U.S. and International; $260 for 1 year.
Middle/High School Group Membership
Includes up to five school faculty; U.S. and International; $260 for 1 year.
District/State Group Membership
Includes up to ten district/state faculty; U.S. and International; $549 for 1 year.
Middle/High-Joint School Group Membership
Includes up to five school faculty; U.S. and International; $260 for 1 year.
Institutional Member
U.S. and International; $425 for 1 year. Runs July 1 to June 30 annually.
Corporate Member
U.S. and International; $499 for 1 year. Runs July 1 to June 30 annually.