Council for STEM Leadership (CSL)

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The Council for STEM Leadership (CSL) is a professional organization operating under ITEEA representing leaders in Technology and Engineering education including state and local school system administrators, school department chairs, professional association officers and any professional who wishes to gain a better understanding of how educational leadership is shaping a new generation of learners.

ITEEA members can join CSL today for $25!
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(Note: ITEEA Professional members receive one complimentary Council membership, which must be selected at the time of joining or renewing.)

CSL provides leadership to technology and engineering education coordinators and administrators, assists in curriculum development, and promotes model programs. Benefits of CSL membership include:

  • Access to a community of leaders such as teachers, coordinators, administrators, and state supervisors to network with and assist each other.
  • Eligibility for CSL awards and recognition.
  • Invitation to participate in professional development opportunities designed for administrators and leaders during the year and at the ITEEA Annual Conference.
  • Access to resources for developing leadership, programs, facilities and curriculum.
  • Eligibility to for run for CSL officer positions.


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CSL Officers

  • Subrina D. Oliver
    Subrina D. Oliver
    Founder & CEO O-High Technologies, LLC 18887588980
  • Frank Caccavale
    Frank Caccavale
    Structural Design and Fabrication Teacher Roxbury Public Schools 19739802256
    Past President
  • George D. Bishop, DTE
    George D. Bishop, DTE
    DTE VTEEA Executive Secretary - Treasurer (540)907-6119
    President Elect
  • Troy Blunier
    Troy Blunier
    Instructional Assistant Professor Illinois State University - Department of Technology 13094382384
  • Cathi Cox-Boniol
    Cathi Cox-Boniol
    SCILS Region 8 LASTEM Center Director, STEM Education Consultant Louisiana Tech University 3182687558
  • Mike Fitzgerald
    Mike Fitzgerald
    Education Associate, Eng/Tech Ed 13028573334
    CSL Director