STEM Sparks: October 2024

STEM Sparks,

How Prioritizing Personal Growth and Development Benefits Both You and Your Students

Professional growth and development are cornerstones of effective teaching, and embracing lifelong learning doesn’t just position you for success but models this value for your students. Whether you’re seeking training on new instructional practices, engaging with experts in the field, or taking the time to network with fellow educators, all professionals benefit when they expand their knowledge base, refine their skills, and stay abreast of emerging trends­—and this holds true in technology and engineering education. Many different types and formats of professional learning and development opportunities exist, perhaps some of the most valuable being conferences and events that facilitate in-person connection.

While you can find many teaching resources and learning opportunities online, in-person conferences and events are more than just a tool for curriculum and instructional enrichment; they provide a platform for educators to connect, collaborate, and be inspired by their peers. Educators who invest in such opportunities are able to observe and learn from colleagues’ experiences, enabling them to integrate new ideas, technologies, and real-world applications into their teaching, ultimately making learning more engaging, effective, and relevant for students. This not only benefits the students but also keeps the educators motivated and excited about their teaching!

Unfortunately, a primary reason many educators do not attend in-person events is a perceived lack of funding and support. While this is a real challenge, by becoming more knowledgeable in available sources of funding, you can suggest specific avenues for financial support to your administrator or other approval body. Below are several funding sources targeted for teacher development, which may cover expenses such as registration and travel for professional conferences and events. 

  • Title II Funding: Designed to improve teacher quality, Title II funding can be used for professional development activities, including conference attendance. This funding helps ensure that teachers have access to the training they need to enhance their instructional skills.
  • Perkins Funding: Aimed at enhancing career and technical education, Perkins funding can also be allocated to cover costs associated with attending the conference. This funding supports the integration of new technologies and methodologies into the classroom, benefiting both educators and students.
  • ESSER Funds: If allowed by your state, ESSER (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief) funds can be used to support professional development activities. These funds were established to address the impact of COVID-19 on elementary and secondary schools.
  • Title I, IV, or V Funding: Depending on the specific guidelines and allowances of your state, Title I, IV, or V funds may also be available to support conference attendance. These funds are generally aimed at improving educational outcomes and supporting innovative educational practices.

By referencing these funding sources directly when approaching your administrator and requesting approval to attend an event, you’re presenting them with a means to fulfill your ask. In addition, you should take a moment to explain to your supervisors that supporting your participation in professional learning opportunities demonstrates your school’s commitment to excellence in education and dedication to providing faculty with opportunities for professional growth and advancement.

ITEEA’s 87th Annual Conference, scheduled for April 2-5, 2025, in St. Louis, MO, presents one such exceptional professional development opportunity for educators. This event is not just another conference; it is a gateway to enhancing instructional strategies, fostering professional growth, facilitating connections, and inspiring educators. Further, by immersing educators in the latest trends, methodologies, and best practices in technology and engineering education, teachers can bring back valuable knowledge to their classrooms to enrich the curriculum and significantly enhance student learning outcomes.

Here are just a few reasons to take part:



Enhanced Instructional Strategies

Gain insights into the latest trends, methodologies, and best practices in technology and engineering education.

Professional Growth

Engage with experts and network with fellow educators to expand knowledge, refine skills, and stay updated on emerging trends.

Curriculum Enrichment

Integrate new ideas, technologies, and real-world applications into teaching to make learning more engaging and relevant.

Inspiration and Motivation

Connect, collaborate, and be inspired by peers, leading to renewed enthusiasm and positive changes in the classroom.

We hope you’ll join ITEEA in St. Louis on April 2-5, 2025! With the availability of Title II and Perkins funding, this exceptional opportunity is within reach for educators committed to excellence in technology and engineering education. Further, you’ll return to school with renewed enthusiasm, fresh perspectives, and a sense of empowerment that can lead to positive changes in the classroom and beyond.

To support you, we’ve developed an “ITEEA Participation Letter” that you can download and customize when you make the request to attend to your administration. We hope it will provide a head start for making your case to take part in this unique and impact opportunity to expand your personal growth and development!