Maley/ITEEA Foundation Teacher Professional Development Scholarship
Providing support to teachers in their own professional development and preparation
Amount: $500
Deadline: November 1
Description: ITEEA's Foundation proudly announces the Maley/ITEEA Foundation Scholarship in honor of Dr. Donald Maley. Its purpose is to support teachers in their own professional development and preparation to increase the positive outcomes of technology and engineering education.
This scholarship is presented during the ITEEA Annual Conference.
- Applicant must be a member of the International Technology and Engineering Educators Association. (Membership may be paid at time of scholarship application).
- Applicant must be a technology and engineering teacher at any grade level who is beginning or continuing graduate study.
Criteria include: (1) evidence of teaching success, (2) plans for action research, (3) recommendations, (4) plans for professional development, and (5) the applicant's need.
- Self nominations are accepted.
- In most cases, there is only one winner per awards cycle.
- If not selected, nominees can request that their materials be added to the next awards cycle. Materials will not roll over without a request.
- To upload support materials after application submission, use the upload link below and include nominee's last name, name of award, and author's name as part of file names (e.g., "Jones PD Scholarship - Smith")